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Kids event: Book release celebration at the Children’s Museum

We’ve always known that our volunteer tutors are great. Now the rest of the world gets to read about it. Katrina Goldsaito, former 826 Boston volunteer who dazzled students as a field trip storyteller and led writing workshops on topics ranging from walking in other people’s shoes (literally and figuratively) to “zip code podcasts,” recently published the children’s book The Sound of Silence to great critical acclaim. Kirkus Reviews called it “an inviting tale that will stretch inquisitive and observant young minds – and may even lead children to a greater appreciation of that golden commodity, silence.”

The Boston Children’s Museum will host a kid-friendly book launch on August 5 from 5 to 9 pm (museum admission is $1 after 5:00). The museum will also host activities, including the chance to make onomatopoetic sounds. Talk about a fifty-cent word!


Event Details

Kids event: Book release celebration at the Children’s Museum

August 5, 2016

5 PM to 9 PM

Boston Children's Museum

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