December 3 is #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving. We’ve set an ambitious goal: to raise $15,000 in one day—more than we’ve ever raised on this day.
Donate today and help us make this #GivingTuesday one to remember.
We know there are a number of causes on your list. I hope you’ll keep in mind that this year, 826 Boston will work with 5,000 students as part of our transformative writing programs—from college essay support to professional publications to after-school tutoring.
And we provide all of this support for free to students and families, thanks to you!
We have a lot in store for #GivingTuesday, including moving stories, testimonials, and the kind of student writing that you expect from 826 Boston’s talented authors. Get ready to be amazed.
Your support of young student authors will make an impact on our community. Thank you for building a groundswell of support for 826 Boston this #GivingTuesday!
Donate today: #GivingTuesday, Dec. 3, 2019
December 3, 2019