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Ribbon-Cutting Celebration for Writers’ Room in New Mission High School

826 Boston is proud to showcase the tremendous writing by students from New Mission High School in Hyde Park during a celebration of the school’s Writers’ Room.

This Writers’ Room is 826 Boston’s sixth—and newest—in Boston Public Schools.

Innovative, creative, and integrated into the fabric of a school community, Writers’ Rooms provide writing assistance to individual students and entire classrooms, as well as opportunities to transform students into published authors.

Each 826 Boston Writers’ Room delivers long-term, meaningful change in the lives of students, serving students during and after the school day with individualized attention that improves writing skills and fosters creative self-expression.

With a focus on publishing, improving writing skills, and project-based learning, the Writers’ Room uses trained volunteer tutors and full-time dedicated staff to unlock students’ full potential.

Over the course of a school year, the Writers’ Room will serve nearly every student in the school through whole-class visits, individual writing assistance, and/or after-school extracurricular activities.

Light refreshments will be served.

We hope that you can join us for this celebration! Please RSVP on Eventbrite.

Event Details

Ribbon-Cutting Celebration for Writers’ Room in New Mission High School

March 20, 2025

4:00-5:30 PM

New Mission High School 655 Metropolitan Avenue Boston, MA 02136

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