Updated: September 28, 2021
We are excited to be offering new in-person writing, tutoring, and volunteer opportunities this fall. We can’t wait to start welcoming back our community, and we are committed to making these experiences safe for everyone to learn, share, and grow.
Find out more about what our programming will look like and read our updated Covid-19 safety policies below. Questions? Please send them to our Deputy Director, Christopher Logue, at chris@826boston.org. We’d love to hear from you.
Here’s a look at how our programs are currently operating. If updates are needed, we’ll include them in this article and share them on social media.
826 Boston Writers’ Rooms
All six 826 Boston Writers’ Room programs have returned to in-person support in our partner Boston public schools. Writers’ Rooms are open from Monday through Thursday, with operation hours varying. Program offerings will roll out in phases and will be provided based on each school’s identified needs.
If you have questions regarding the Writers’ Room program, please email Nakia Hill, Director of Youth Writing Program Innovation and Partnerships, at nakia@826boston.org.
After School Tutoring
After School Tutoring is currently enrolling returning families with options for both remote tutoring and limited in-person tutoring at 826 Boston’s Writing and Tutoring Center in Roxbury’s Egleston Square.
Remote Tutoring Hours:
Remote to In-Person Tutoring:
These sessions are for students and families who wish to either start tutoring in person OR start tutoring remotely and transition to in person later this semester or year (if public health and safety conditions allow).
If you have questions—or are interested in joining the waiting list for either of these programs—please email Shannon McKeever, AmeriCorps VISTA Family & Community Partnerships Specialist, at shannonmckeever@826boston.org.
College Essay and Science Fair Boot Camp
This school year, College Essay Boot Camp (fall semester) and Science Fair Boot Camp (spring semester) will be fully virtual. For any in-class projects, such as our Young Authors’ Book Project, an 826 Boston team member will be in the classroom to assist our partner teachers and their students.
Questions? Please email info@826boston.org.
This fall, in-person and virtual volunteering will return, and fall semester tutoring shifts are now open for returning volunteers! Volunteer opportunities are currently available in After School Tutoring, Writers’ Rooms, and College Essay Boot Camp.
Returning volunteers should complete the volunteer registration survey to let us know how you want to volunteer this year.
Questions? Please email volunteer@826boston.org.
826 Boston’s policies around Covid-19 are based on the current guidelines from the CDC, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the City of Boston, and the Boston Public Schools.
We’ve listed a few important policies below, but please review the detailed guidelines for all our in-person programming sites. If you have any other questions, please email Deputy Director Christopher Logue at chris@826boston.org.
Everyone wears a face mask
826 Boston staff, service members, interns, and volunteers must be fully vaccinated.
What if someone in the 826 Boston community tests positive for Covid-19?
What if I have other questions or concerns about 826 Boston’s safety policies?
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