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Apply to become an FAO Schwarz Publishing Fellow!

November 1, 2023

A group of 826 Boston students hold up the new book they were published in.

We’re so excited to announce that 826 Boston has been selected as a host site for an FAO Schwarz Fellow for 2024-2026, and we’re inviting interested students to apply today!

As an FAO Schwarz Publishing Fellow with 826 Boston, you’ll play a vital role in providing personalized writing support to students across all 826 Boston programs. You’ll also collaborate closely with our Publishing Team to create more opportunities for students to share their stories, whether in print, audio, or out in the community!

This two-year paid Fellowship program offers recent college graduates a unique chance to pursue careers in social impact. It allows them to work with organizations deeply committed to social justice and equity. Through a combination of direct service, leadership opportunities, professional development, and mentorship, Fellows gain invaluable experience in leading change and witnessing the impact of effective nonprofits dedicated to creating lasting, measurable progress.

Discover more about the FAO Schwarz Publishing Fellowship with 826 Boston here, and please share this opportunity with your friends, family, and colleagues! Applications will be open until February 5, 2024. 

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