826 Boston would like to extend a huge congratulations to all the Middle School and High School winners of the 76th Annual Boston Public Schools (BPS) Citywide Science and Engineering Fair!
826 Boston recently hosted our second virtual Science Fair Boot Camp workshop. Open to BPS students participating in the Boston Public Schools Citywide Science Fair, our workshop was designed to support and mentor students as they put the finishing touches on their research papers, presentations, and video submissions.
826 Boston would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our tutors, who volunteered their time and expertise to help these students finish their science fair projects. The tutors were STEM college students and professionals who were able to offer their content knowledge and experience to the students.
From using lichen to measure pollution, to quantifying the effectiveness of invasive species management, to evaluating the accuracy of infrared thermometers, the students came to the workshop with a myriad of interesting and novel science experiments!
Here are some of the students who attended our workshop and then went on to place in the science fair:
“My project was on Chinese Mystery Snails, an invasive aquatic snail that has inhabited much of America, including Lake Waukewan in New Hampshire. These snails are hard to kill, and they overrun many northeastern lakes,” Chelsea said. They participated in the yearly snail hunt and conducted their experiment to determine the impact it had on the snail population. “My mentor helped me to put my thoughts into words, and with her support, I was able to create a beautiful presentation talking about my project.”
“We wanted to make a regular plastic cup into a cup that can keep drinks cold or hot. The point of this project was to make affordable and non-harmful materials,” said Divya. “It was very exciting to win 1st place in the BPS science fair…826 helped me because with the 3-day camp they fixed my presentation, gave me tips and were super helpful. Their tutors were very kind and helpful.”
“[Our] project sought to figure out the optimal distance of an IR thermometer and how it can be improved by using algorithms,” Alex said. Looking forward, they are interested in using this data to work on developing an algorithm that can help find the optimal distance for other thermometers. “We found the feedback given in the program to be useful since it helped us realize our mistakes…the information given helped us know what the competition was going to be like,” they noted.
We wish the best of luck to all students participating in the state-level fair!
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