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New must-read student-authored books from 826 Boston

July 18, 2023

A woman and two kids look at an 826 Boston student-authored book.

Photo by Mike Mejia

Get ready to add new books to your summer reading list because we’ve got some student-authored books to share! So far this year, we’ve published 10 books that overflow with whimsy, hilarity, vulnerability, and creativity.

Here are a few titles you can buy from our store! Scroll down to check out a few of our favorite photos from recent book release parties, as well.

Coming Up For Air: Reflections from the Teenage Mind

The Youth Literary Advisory Board (YLAB) invited students across Boston to share
their poems, artwork, and essays about “Inside the teenage mind: What exists in your head—and how it influences the way you perceive the world.”

In their anthology, student authors explore issues of mental health, love, social expectations, and where they go to find peace and comfort.

“This book is an invitation into the teenage mind. A place full of hope, vulnerability, humor, and personal intimacy. We hope that, as we pour ourselves into every letter and paint our experiences in every comma, you see our minds as the incomplete yet perfect messes they are; that you know this book is not a period, but a semicolon.”

—826 Boston’s Youth Literary Advisory Board

$18 | Buy your copy

This Bad Boy is a Time Machine

Travel through time to magical worlds with these chapbooks written by students in our After-School Writing and Tutoring Program. Make sure to grab both copies and be transported to these students’ creative and fantastical worlds.

$4.71 | Buy your copy of Journal 1
$4.71 | Buy your copy of Journal 2


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