These videos discuss the importance of storytelling as a critical tool for identity and inclusion. Thanks to Andria Warren for her contributions.

Making Connections—The Power of Oral Storytelling
December 2017
Trent Hohaia shares with us what it means to find purpose and identity through storytelling, and how narratives inform the world we live in through their repetition.

The Danger of a Single Story
July 2009
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie gives a powerful TED Talk about the danger of a “single story” in which a culture is shown from only one angle.

How Students of Color Confront Impostor Syndrome
November 2015
In this inspiring TED Talk, Dena Simmons stresses the importance of cultivating an environment where students of color feel comfortable to be themselves.

Help for Kids the Education System Ignores
November 2015
Victor Rios shares his story of success and urges educators (and everyone) to not see students as “at-risk,” but as “at-promise.”

Creating Culture with Storytelling
February 2016
A sense of culture affects how we see ourselves and how confident we are in our abilities to succeed, Kindra Hall explains in this video, highlighting the importance of culture in storytelling.

The Power of Storytelling to Change the World
November 2013
Dave Lieber (hilariously) tells us how to tell a story—by telling us the story of how he relates to Texans as a native New Yorker.

These resources offer tools and techniques for writing with students. Thanks to volunteer Jo Forman for sharing the resources below.

Graphic Organizer for Essays
Organizing your essay can sometimes be the toughest part. With this tool, knowing where to put your arguments is a breeze.

Edit Checklist
Use this checklist to help guide your focus when editing a piece of writing. It follows the Six Traits of Writing, which line up with our Tutor Trail Guide (with one exception: 826 Boston recommends prioritizing “Voice” above “Word Choice” and “Sentence Fluency”).

Memoir Graphic Organizer
An organizing tool for writing memoirs or other types of creative nonfiction.

Cn u rd ths? A Guide to Invented Spelling
This article from GreatSchools discusses the importance of “invented spelling” and its effect on students’ development.

Here are resources on STEM-specific topics, including video guides to refresh you on everything from fractions to polynomials. Thanks to Andria Warren for her contributions.

Science Resources for the Classroom
The National Science Foundation has compiled a list of science lessons and websites on a variety of topics, ranging from Arctic environments to the study of people and society.

Math and Science Tips for Tutors
These tutor tips from Boise State University review key steps in helping students with STEM homework, including tips on how to overcome math and science anxiety.

Teaching Kids to Think Like Engineers
This article from Discover magazine highlights how teachers and tutors can encourage students to use everyday problem-solving and critical thinking skills.

Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an amazing, well-organized resource for math, with an impressive catalog of videos on everything from basic addition to AP Calculus.

Selections from the Khan Academy YouTube page:

Algebra Playlist
Sal Khan walks us through a multitude of algebra tutorials that align with Common Core standards.

Introduction to Solving an Equation with Variables on Both Sides
Sal Khan walks us through solving an equation with variables on both sides.

Solving systems of equations:

In line with the Common Core practice of giving students multiple possible methods to solve problems, these videos show three different ways of solving a system of equations:

Basic Math (Pre-Algebra) Playlist
This YouTube channel, “The Video Math Tutor,” features a video playlist that acts as a refresher for a variety of math skills and basic mathematical concepts.

Basic Math (Algebra) Playlist
This second video playlist from “The Video Math Tutor” YouTube channel offers a lesson on basic algebraic concepts.

Why is Math Different Now?
Raj Shah explains how math is taught differently today, what that means for parents and tutors, and what benefits this new way of teaching has for our students.

These resources cover themes of identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion and explore how to disrupt bias.

826CHI’s Justice and Equity Dialogues
Updated February 2020
826CHI, the Windy City chapter of 826 National, holds dialogues to discuss social and racial injustices that affect students’ lives; these posts are complete with outlines, summaries, and follow-up readings.

How Gentrification and Displacement are Remaking Boston
November 2017
Zebulon Miletsky and Tomas Gonzalez write about the history of Roxbury and surrounding communities, drawing a line from segregation to present-day practices of gentrification and displacement.

Cracking the Codes: The System of Racial Inequality
May 2013
Author and educator Joy DeGruy discusses how white privilege can be used to stand up to systemic racial inequity during everyday encounters.

Responding to Hate and Bias at School
January 2017
This article from Learning for Justice explores what you can do before, during, and after a hate- or bias-related crisis in a school setting.

How to Intervene in a Racist Attack
June 2016
Akshat Rathi, a writer for Quartz, provides a step-by-step process for responding to acts of racism.

White Anti-Racism: Living the Legacy
July 2017
This Learning for Justice Q&A has insight from four activists who share their thoughts on the concepts of comfort, power, privilege and identity.

Black Lives Matter at School – Resources
January 2020
This collection of readings and resources from the National Education Association’s EdJustice website can help students and educators talk about race, stand together, and express their identities through art and activism.

These videos cover child development and social-emotional learning. Thanks to Andria Warren for her contributions.

Why We Should All Be Reading Aloud to Children
December 2015
Rebecca Bellingham addresses the importance of reading aloud to children and the impact it has on the development of healthy communication, empathy, critical thinking, and community.

The Secret to Motivating Your Child
January 2015
Motivation is essential to producing a healthy sense of self. Jennifer Nacif presents us with four personalities as an introduction into determining what motivates different “types” of people.

The Importance of Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child
July 2013
According to Erika Brodnock, one in four children experience stress in their daily lives. Erika explores how we can teach children to deal with negative emotions so that they can better deal with the effects of long-term stress.

How to Get Your Kids to Listen and Engage
May 2015
For children to engage, they must feel that they have the reason, validation, and freedom to do so. Kris Prochaska believes that this begins with treating children as equal to ourselves.

The Boost Students Need to Overcome Obstacles
June 2017
Anindya Kundu stresses the importance of supporting individuals belonging to marginalized groups and dismantling rhetoric that is harmful to how students view their futures.

What Growth Mindset Means for Kids
March 2019
Rebecca Chang, an elementary school student, shares the process of joining her school’s Student Council after her mother made her get involved and how she shifted her anger into a growth mindset.

“I love it…

when my family sits together and tells stories. I can still smell the sweetness of the flan we used to eat while we talked.”

– Yaracelis, 826 Boston Student