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Excerpt: “Trevor the Octopus”

By Room 8 Second Graders in And Lester Swam On

And Lester Swam On Photo by Cody Van Winkle

Trevor the octopus was eating some clams, when all of a sudden he saw Lester. Trevor was scared. He changed his color from orange to black because it was very dark in the area. Lester could not see Trevor because he was hiding.

Lester was crying because his home got invaded by trash. Trevor could see that Lester was sad so he gave Lester a big hug with all of his eight arms. Trevor had three hearts so he made Lester feel three times better! Lester explained that his home near San Francisco got polluted. Trevor felt bad and said goodbye to his new friend. Lester swam nervously on his way.

Lester stopped and thought for a moment. “Hmmmmm. If I find a new home, I’ll have to start all over again and build a new life.” He said out loud, “Maybe I should go back home.” Trevor the octopus, who was camouflaged in his den in a coral reef nearby, heard Lester.

Trevor jetted speedily away and told the rest of the animals. They decided to go to Lester’s home and clean it up. Meanwhile, Lester turned around and started home. He slowly swished his tail back and forth to move through the deep blue ocean.

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And Lester Swam On

The first picture book published by 826 Boston, written by second graders from John D. Philbrick Elementary and illustrated by Cody Van Winkle.

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