Why is a writing organization working on STEM?

STEM is a huge educational priority right now, for good reason. We need future leaders to take on our biggest challenges, such as the pandemic, climate change, and income inequality. But to solve those problems, we need the voices, lenses, and perspectives of communities of color—the very communities that have been historically excluded from STEM and who bear the heaviest burden of our global crises.

826 Boston is dedicated to literacy and students of color, and we offer programs that affirm students as future leaders in STEM. Our unique niche connects critical thinking and communication. Our approach not only brings more students to STEM—it supports the student voice, storytelling, and problem-framing that students need to advance systemic change.

Are you competing in the 2023 Boston Public Schools STEM Fair? Then sign up for our Science Fair Boot Camp! You’ll be matched with a dedicated STEM tutor who will support you with your project over several sessions—and you’ll get to participate in a mock fair ahead of the competition.

826 Boston will support you in three ways:

  • Three virtual sessions w/ STEM tutors: January 31, February 7, and February 14, 6:00-7:30 PM
  • Five (optional) virtual office hours with a STEM Literacy Specialist: February 21-24, 4:30-6:30 PM
  • A Mock STEM Fair: February 28 (time and location: TBD)

Registration is required. Visit 826boston.org/STEM to find out more, and email noel@826boston.org with any questions.